Q: Is it possible to offer 25 unique codes when entering "my code" or can we cap users at 25 in T3?

Is there a way that our first 25 users can be free and not have to pay but the rest can then pay the $10 which you require until we bring the user count up to 1000 users and then drop our price down to three bucks for everyone? Do you follow me about the first 25 users in that we hope for them to be free whether by using different Authcodes on your end or is there some way we can work this out so that I do not have to set one price for everyone before the T3 twenty-five count but that we can extend that to be free part to the 25 users whom we want to select or reserve it for and just so that I do not have to sponsor those after the 25 elect then I can charge them $10 to pass on to your system? Is that possible either now or in the future?

P2PLUSSep 19, 2024
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