Sceyt Questions

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Showing 1 - 13 of 13 questions


Is it GDPR compliant?

kontakt484Feb 11, 2025
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Feb 14, 2025

A: Yes, the platform has appropriate APIs to make it compliant with GDPR.


Q: iFrame integration?


do you have or plan to have your chat being exported / addable to an existing app as an iFrame code?

tomorrowbitsPLUSFeb 5, 2025
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Feb 7, 2025

A: Thank you for your interest! You can build and host your own chat on your servers and integrate it into your site via an iFrame. We do not host chat on behalf of our customers, as this would require us to issue chat access tokens on their behalf and potentially access their applications through the API.


Q: Storage is look limited

So i see storage is low .

1.Can we integrate external storage? Aws wasabi something
2. can we expand storage?
3. If storage full chat will work?
4. Can we clear storage?
5. What is size limite to upload media ? Video or image ? Or file ?
6. Can we restrict file size and file type ?

Let me know above questions


Darshan_PurpleDNSPLUSJan 21, 2025
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Jan 21, 2025

A: Hi Darshan,

Thank you for your questions. Let me address them:

1. Yes, you can integrate any external storage, such as AWS S3, and it will work smoothly with our UI kits.
2. For the AppSumo plans, there is no way to expand the storage. If you need more storage, you can either use custom storage like AWS S3 or subscribe to our regular plans.
3. Yes, the chat will continue to work. File storage is independent of message retention. Please check the message retention periods for your plan here:
4. Yes, you can clear the file storage by deleting files you no longer need.
5. By default, there is a 100MB limit for any uploaded file, but this can be adjusted if needed.
6. Yes, you can apply restrictions on both the UI and Platform sides.

If you have any other questions feel free to reach out.



Q: Dotnet Framework

Do you have an SDK to integrate with Dotnet Framework?

TGPDec 26, 2024
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Edited Jan 17, 2025

A: You can use REST API from your backend.


Q: webview?

Hi, can this chat be dropped into a webview and just work? Without needing node or react or firebase or any dev stuff?

MakeShyftTomEdited Dec 13, 2024
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Dec 13, 2024

A: Hello. Thanks for your interest. While our UI kits are fully customizable you will still need some coding to integrate them into your app. I can ensure that our React UI Kit perfectly works in a WebView environment.


Q: Why the disconnect?

1. Your video promises millions of users. Your highest tier offers 500 concurrent users. Why the extreme disconnect?

2. I'm considering building a stand-alone chat app, and it might be useful to me to have something already working that I can use while prototyping and in the early stages with a small number of users. Is the structure of your API fairly intuitive and straightforward, such that it would likely be similar to what I would build for my app anyway? (So that I have minimal changes to make in transitioning from one to the other?)

3. Do you provide any front-end code, or only the API? If you do, is it React? Do you have React Native code? Svelte? Flutter?

4. If you provide front-end code, does it use a library that handles the interaction with the API? Is the code obfuscated in any way? Would it be hard to modify?

iconoclastNov 1, 2024
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Nov 2, 2024

A: Thanks for the questions @iconoclast. Let me address them below:

1. Our highest tier offers 3,000 MAU. You can check the pricing here: While our platform can scale to millions of users, even within a single channel, if you require support for more than 3,000 users, a custom plan would be necessary.

2. We provide a full suite of developer tools, including SDKs and UI kits, to streamline your integration. Our prebuilt chat UI kits enable you to integrate a full-featured chat within minutes and customize them to match your application's look and feel.

3. Yes, we do. We currently offer chat UI kits for React, Swift, and Kotlin. Flutter and React Native kits will be available by the end of the year.

4. Our UI kits are built on top of our low-level chat SDKs, which use our proprietary low-latency binary messaging protocol. This means you won’t need to implement any API calls—simply use and adjust the chat UI components to fit your functional requirements. If you need deeper customization, our chat UI kits are open-source, so you’re free to fork and further customize them as needed.


Q: Basic android app template included and help launching?

Hi - so if we did not yet have any apps, you offer the development of something for us to rapidly deploy for mobile users to use that can be white-labeled / customized? I guess I would need to hire my own dev team or can you guys do that on a basic or advanced level? Thanks!

kor44PLUSDec 6, 2024
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Dec 6, 2024

A: Thanks for your interest. Yes we do we have a template with all the required chat screens to build a fully featured chat experiences like in WhatsApp and other messaging apps. But you still need some development to integrate and customize the chat UI Kits. We have development partners who can help you get started with Sceyt chat API quickly. For more details feel free to to reach out our support.


Q: Business email required?

Does this only work if you have a business email?

leonardsnicketPLUSDec 3, 2024
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Dec 4, 2024

A: Hello leonardsnicket. You can sign up using your personal email as well. Business email helps us better understand your product and support you the best.


Q: User Limit and concurrent user limits

The reason it's been so challenging to create a chat app and that we are not able to just use a free sm alt. like Signal or whatsapp is due to the limit of 999 users. We want a chat application for our app but don't want to move forward with a solution that's limited to 3000 and 500 / re sceyt. We are considering mastadon/federverse but sceyt would save our devs so much time and effort. I can't decide if I should purchase this even though it's limited. What can you tell me that would win us over to sceyt? Is there an opportunity to pay once we're past 3000k and if we require 500+ concurrent how do we / can we upgrade? Thanks

catharine3PLUSNov 30, 2024
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Dec 2, 2024

A: Hello, catharine3. Once you reach 3000 MAUs you can subscribe to our regular packages. Supporting a high number of MAUs will require too many resources that we can't afford with one-time purchases. We have designed our plans in a way that we will be able to support them lifetime without service degradation.
If you have a specific number of users we would love to hear from you as the '3000K' mentioned by you was a typo.


Q: Can this be used in expo cli?

Can I create a chat app using Sceyt with just JavaScript in an expo environment?

kennethrohPLUSNov 26, 2024
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Edited Nov 26, 2024

A: Hi kennethroh. Yes, absolutely! We have a pure JavaScript SDK that has no any prebuilt UI components and it works in any JavaScript development environment including Expo. So you can integrate the JavaScript Sceyt Chat SDK into your app and build your own chat UI.



Hi Sceyt Team,

Can this be used to create a support system (private)for customer service and the end-user?
I was thinking of using RabbitMQ in my project but this seems much better.

drifterpreneursEdited Nov 6, 2024
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Nov 8, 2024

A: Hi drifterpreneurs, absolutely. You can create custom support systems on top of Sceyt chat API and UI Kits. You can checkout examples from our repository:


Q: Open AI / Claude

Will Sceyt be able to create an AI powered chat assistant? If yes, how would that work?
Thanks and all the best!

Sumoling8486PLUSNov 2, 2024
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Nov 2, 2024

A: Thanks for your interest and support @Sumoling8486. Please be aware that Sceyt doesn't provide chatbot services out of the box, but you can create such an experience using our Webhooks and REST API. That said, when a message is sent to a communication channel, we will deliver it to your backend, where you can process it using various AI models and send back an appropriate response through Sceyt's REST API. This approach allows you to create custom chat logic for different purposes, including but not limited to automated bot assistants, content moderation, and message translation.


Q: Would you consider allowing stacking of 4 codes?

4 Codes could give:
- 10,000 MAU
- 20 GB storage
- 1500 concurrent users
- retention for 2 years

iconoclastNov 1, 2024
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Edited Nov 2, 2024

A: Hello, thanks for your interest. Currently, we allow stacking up to 3 codes. This limit is designed to provide ample resources for most use cases while maintaining a balanced performance. If you require additional capacity beyond this, we’re open to discussing custom solutions to support your specific needs.
