Q: Hi - I am very interested in scroll sequencing but am a little wary about your requirements.
I use siteground hosting which doesn't have the most up to date MySQL version (for reasons) and another product I purchased at AppSumo didn't tell me upfront that that was required. I have a lot of clients using Siteground. What are the technical requirements for your plugin? Thanks!
May 15, 2024A: Hi Chicken-dinner,
The requirements are quite simple - there are minimum required versions of PHP and WordPress.
WordPress Version:5.0 or higher, PHP Version:7.0 or higher
I am not aware of any specific MySQL requirements, but the plugin is not making DB calls in any specific ways, we use standard WP functions to manipulate data. So if WordPress runs fine, Scrollsequence should too!
See you in Erangel! :-)