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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Jan 2021Deals bought: 472Posted: Sep 14, 2023

Best Sales Navigator scraper I use so far

Hi Sumolings,
I tried quite some different Sales Navigator scrapers. Scrupp was one of them. The product didn't make sense in the beginning, but after contacting the developers they made serious improvements in just a few weeks time. Scrupp is now super easy to use and the results are stunning. They found almost 65% of verified email contacts and the process is very easy to use now. Create your list in sales navigator, click scrupp icon and "Boom" you have your list. Hit get mailcontacts and export.
If helps me lasertarget my audience, do cold outreach and grow my business.
Like i said, i tried lots of them, but this one is definitly the WINNER. I understand what other people say in their review, but the Igor is very helpful and fixes the issue fast. You can always choose not to grab this deal, but i promise you, you will regret it.
ps. i have no stock in the company, i am just became an enthousiastic fan :-)
