Q: Hello, Can we have a summary of the different points that you have addressed in your project?
A summary ?
It is very interesting however the internet is an inexhaustible source of information so I would like to be sure that your project is based on professional experience with simple and concise advice coming from you.
If your short ebook just says to use a security system, malware scanner, antispam, and firewall I'd rather go my way.
I hope you understand. Thanks to you, best regards.
May 14, 2024A: Hello, there! Yes, I can certainly understand - you can find a lot of information (and some of it conflicting) on the internet. If you're already comfortable with how to establish a security posture, then this ebook is probably not for you.
Every business is different, and the amount of time and resources you spend is based on your evaluation of risk; however, there are some "best practices" that work across the board. In this book, I essentially use the Cybersecurity Framework and walk through the steps and actions I've found common for most small businesses.