SellMeThisPen AI

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Member since: May 2020Deals bought: 148
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Apr 23, 2024

So much more than I expected!

I often find that my AppSumo SAAS purchases are brilliant solutions but somehow never get round to using them

Not so with SellMeThisPen. This browser plugin inserts itself into your day to day workflows without you having to do anything – and then starts working miracles.

I don’t do a lot of sales calls, but I mainly use SMTP as a meeting annotation and summarisation solution – and it really works!

I also love the in-meeting hints - especially the “youre talking too much” functionality, which is worth the LTD price by itself in my case 😊

I have hardly scratched the surface of what SMTP can do, but already it’s one of my all time top 5 Appsumo deals

Great work guys! Thank you so much for putting this together

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

So much love—we are grateful 😍

Thank you so much for educating other Sumo-lings about the possibilities with SellMeThisPen. We are super happy to hear that you are benefiting from using SellMeThisPen.

You should try the roleplays; we'd love to hear your feedback on them :)

Keep being awesome 💛
