Q: Questionable credibility of a 3-month old product?
Hi, I noticed that you've stated that you have 200 paying customers, $10,000 monthly recurring revenue, and that you're operating since 2022. However, all of your online presence is from the last 3 months, you have no online reviews of your service (trustpilot, captera, etc.), no online content (youtube, social, etc.).
Your website is based on Google search console screenshots and AI-generated video presenters.
I suspect you have some sort of other core business (SEO agency perhaps?) and you've just launched this product, but you are creating a different impression in your Founders Q&A, which is quite misleading. You're barely starting and I would assume you're likely pre-revenue given the 0 marketing? I mean, number 4 result on Google about Semdash is: Semdash - Character - World of Warcraft...