Well since I didn’t get a reply from you, I will assume that you are related to The SEO Checklist which I bought the lifetime access in 2020 via Gumroad; the vendor’s name is Madalin Turose.
Long story short, the link doesn’t work anymore (https://theseochecklist.com); the vendor vanished (no email notification; nothing), not even Gunroad can get a hold of him. That’s exactly what brought me on...
Q: Want to use this - but cannot get logged on because your email verification is not sending.
You have no way for us to contact you onsite, no email listed even. So likely gong to return, but at least want to see what it is about.
I'm new to this SEO game and am unsure what the phrase "30 Projects" means. Does that mean 30 different websites... or 30 different sessions of web optimization on the same website? Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I need some clarification about what that means. Before I pick this up, please explain some of the best and most timely scenarios in which SEO Checklist would best be used. Thank you!
Q: Contact
Can I ask your contact? I've tried search in your website and your dashboard but can't find your email.
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Q: How long does it take to generate a white-label report?
It is showing processing for the last 30 minutes+
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Q: Hi SEO_Checklist, Is “SEO Checklist” related to “The SEO Checklist” that is being sold through Gumroad, and ...
is also managed by Madeline Turose?
Share SEO Checklist
Well since I didn’t get a reply from you, I will assume that you are related to The SEO Checklist which I bought the lifetime access in 2020 via Gumroad; the vendor’s name is Madalin Turose.
Long story short, the link doesn’t work anymore (https://theseochecklist.com); the vendor vanished (no email notification; nothing), not even Gunroad can get a hold of him. That’s exactly what brought me on...
Q: Want to use this - but cannot get logged on because your email verification is not sending.
You have no way for us to contact you onsite, no email listed even. So likely gong to return, but at least want to see what it is about.
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Q: Hi.
I'm new to this SEO game and am unsure what the phrase "30 Projects" means. Does that mean 30 different websites... or 30 different sessions of web optimization on the same website? Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I need some clarification about what that means. Before I pick this up, please explain some of the best and most timely scenarios in which SEO Checklist would best be used. Thank you!
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