43 reviews|Product detailsSearchSort by:Latest replyShowing 1 - 20 of 238 questionsQ: Seodity acquired by Semrush.I hope appsumo accounts will be converted to new system without a hassle.GUMUSHPLUSApr 1, 2024See detailComment (1)ShareShare Seodity Helpful?3Log in to join the conversationLog inLTD_JunkiePLUSVerified purchaserPosted: Jun 24, 2024This was an April Fool's joke and it was the other way around. SEOdity joking said that they had acquired SEMRushQ: Hope to see Seodity back on AppSumo.SebbePLUSNov 28, 2023See detailCommentShareShare Seodity Helpful?5Log in to join the conversationLog inQ: Hope this one returns to AppSumo!chadfPLUSOct 17, 2023See detailCommentShareShare Seodity Helpful?8Log in to join the conversationLog inQ: Hope that Seodity returns to AppSumo!paradoxPLUSJun 23, 2023See detailCommentShareShare Seodity Helpful?9Log in to join the conversationLog inQ: Pls come back ;)zervasnikJun 10, 2023See detailCommentShareShare Seodity Helpful?4Log in to join the conversationLog inPrevious12345678...12Next
Q: Seodity acquired by Semrush.
I hope appsumo accounts will be converted to new system without a hassle.
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Verified purchaser
This was an April Fool's joke and it was the other way around. SEOdity joking said that they had acquired SEMRush
Q: Hope to see Seodity back on AppSumo.
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Q: Hope this one returns to AppSumo!
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Q: Hope that Seodity returns to AppSumo!
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Q: Pls come back ;)
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