Q: 20 credits per month is too little even for the highest plan.

Mar 18, 2025A: Hello,
Thank you for your feedback. With 20 monthly credits, you can generate 10 new pieces of content and/or semantically optimize 20 of your existing pieces. How much credits would you need?
as e-commerce agency we create around 2-3 webshops every month including SEO. So I would say in "weak" month the 20 credits could maybe enough but normal it would be around 25-50 pages with content and/or semantically optimize the same amount of
existing pages (category headers not counted yet!). So I am sure a lot of sumolings would be happy to pay Tier 3 with 50 AI credits ;-)

Sorry Idriss, i tried the app and i can say that it's unrealistic :) I spent 4 credits and was not able to generate a single article. KW clustering took 3 and the article gen other 3. 20 credits could work for 3-4 articles and kw features.

Verified purchaser
Hello, the keyword clustering feature doesn't need to be used every time. You should use it with, for example, 1,000 keywords — that way, you'll get enough clusters to write content for months.
so it seems this tool is only for webmaster but not for agency because too much limitations. Today I tested a lot (had to use different accounts) and you are 100% right, it's an absolutly unrealistic credit system!