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Member since: Nov 2022Deals bought: 357
2 stars
2 stars
Edited Oct 22, 2024

Buggy & Lack of Support

I barely write reviews however, this is concerning.

SEOrocket is definitely a good concept and I'd wish it would have worked for me. The idea is good and the UIUX is easy to navigate as well. However, I had bugs with the automation for creating the blog content. Up till now, I had 0 blogs/articles created since a month of waiting after reaching out to their support team for assistance.

First they said it's a bug that will be fixed by the week, then it wasn't, after one email response from them.. it's been cold.. I've sent numerous emails requesting support and bringing up the issues in details with screenshots etc I've given up and will be refunding this product.

At this stage.. the only thing useful for SEOrocket is the keyword research topical map and I will not encourage anyone to pay for this incomplete product.

P.S - AppSumo users will get a "lower tier" automated content output. (I really wanted to try their content creation to see the quality of the content output but as mentioned above I can't.)

The "lower tier" output will NOT have internal or external links in the content generated regardless of whatever tiers you buy...

I fully stuck most of my purchases and having seen this.. I wouldn't recommend at all.

Oh and I am tier 4 from the start.. hoping this would have been a good purchase. :/
