Q: can i enter keywords without domain?

I want to monitor only keywords ans track the movement serps in diferents competitors/domains

Damaso_FonsecaJun 8, 2023
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: No, you cannot add keywords without domain. If you can brief like how exactly you want to use this case, we can check with development team and bring it to the roadmap.

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Posted: Jun 8, 2023

I see this option very interesting, I am a serrple user and I would be interested. The idea would be to enter a KW (without domain) and serrple can say that websites have a position based on that keyword.

Posted: Jun 8, 2023

I work in digital reputational management and some clients (persons) dont have domains, but is necesary monitor their serps.

Posted: Jun 9, 2023

Got that. We will see if this can be incorporated into Serpple. Thanks.