Q: Not a question, just a thanks.
Like most of you on this thread, I had high hopes for Sessions. I purchased a Tier 5 and a Tier 2 license (2 different businesses). I have been watching them try to keep their head above water and applaud their transparency about their difficulties. I love(d) the product and could see great things with it.
All that being said, it didn't look like it was going to work out and I worried about losing my investment. I am writing to THANK the folks at Appsumo for sticking by us and offering refunds. This is the kind of attitude that keeps me coming back. Again, thanks!
They dont even reply to my refund request
Verified purchaser
Does anyone have any news? They wrote to me on the 11th offering me a full refund instantly. I replied three times, but still no response.
Ya'll need to chill. I got a refund after a while. AS is doing there best to deal with the flaming pile of dung that sessions left behind. It'll take a while and AS will most likely deal with this in our favor. They aren't insane.
I got refund today. It took ~6days. Understandable as it was a big sale for appsumo/sessions. Approx 10k+ folks purchased..(https://blog.sessions.us/learn-from-sessions-appsumo-success-how-a-small-team-hit-1m-in-sales). Very few would have clue about where this tool landed now..
Verified purchaser
When did you purchase the software? did
you get a full refund?
Verified purchaser
I did not get any refund message, should I just contact them?