Share With Marvin

Product details

Q: Professional level

I like what I see here and on the sharewithmarvin site. However, I really need the professional level, especially for the multi user and mobile app functions. Will there be a professional level offer?

0b0031384fa84c35b639f618718420ebSep 26, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 26, 2024

A: Hi

Thanks! Glad you like.

You can use the mobile app but we don't and won't be supporting multiple users on the AppSumo Lifetime deal. The aim is to make Marvin into a commercially viable platform and quite candidly the amount of revenue we make through Appsumo on lifetime deals is tiny!

We launched with Appsumo to get a fantastic community of early adopters who would give us feedback on our early stage product. We will shortly be coming off AppSumo and revert to our monthly plans

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