ShopCred Pro

Product details

Q: Possibility to upload products from csv or google sheets

We have around 500 products and all info inside the csv, like picuters url etc.
Is it possible to create a product page and then upload all our CSV data and create 499 product pages that are the same?...

Google Sheets or Excel..

Hmm, hope you understand my question.

Best regards

SEOfrallanPLUSSep 6, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 6, 2024

A: Hi,

Thank You so much for your questions.
It's more an excellent idea to implement rather than a question.
We do not have that feature but this is certainly an idea we can work in the future.

Take Care

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Posted: Sep 10, 2024

So we have to add products manually one by one?

Posted: Sep 13, 2024


What I'd suggest you do is use a free plugin like this to migrate all of your products.

Once done you can design your products through the single product template of our ShopCred Pro.
This way all of your products will retain the same design.

Hope this helps.

Thank You