Q: Shroud Email cons: - system saves emails marked as spam.
If someone gets spam, then alias can be deleted. Alias deletion prevents spam. Competitors do not store any emails, that's better privacy policy.
- If you respond to reverse alias then the recipient knows you use Shroud.email (text: via Shroud.email)
- the service adds additional its own text to email content like "Shroud.email didn't find any trackers."
May 15, 2024A: Hi! I also replied on GitHub discussions, so I'm copying the response here:
- Shroud.email does indeed save spam emails instead of forwarding them. The reason for this is not to prevent spam for users -- you're right that you could just delete the alias. The reason is to ensure that our mailserver maintains a high reputation. If we forward spam emails, then recipient mailservers will consider us as someone that sends spam, and this will harm the deliverability of all emails! Some of our competitors like SimpleLogin do the same.
- It's true that our outgoing emails contain the Shroud.email text. We're working on making this configurable.
- We do not add the "Shroud.email didn't find any trackers" text to outgoing emails, only incoming ones. Without this, it wouldn't be possible to see which trackers we removed.
- User data is encrypted at rest, and in transit via TLS.