Q: Hello, I'm going to try to explain to ask my question.
I use 3-4 Google calendars at once that I can see all of them on my main Google calendar so i know whether I have any available time. Can your system read all 3-4 Google calendars at once to be able to show my true availability? I even have my Wife's Cozy calendar which is also integrated into my main Google calendar so I can see her work schedule and the kid events. You should see my main Google Calendar with all of the different colors which represent separate individual Google Calendars. Oh yah, I still have companies who send me Outlook Calendar invites so I had integrate that calendar too. Help? If you prefer me to contact you directly to discuss further, just let me know. Thank you, Mike
May 14, 2024A: Mike, feel free to reach out direct, but yes, Sidekick will read over all the connected calendars you have and offer up / show true times that are really available. It basically reads busy / not busy with all attached accounts and scans whatever you have synced to offer up and show times free versus not for booking. If you want to know more just send me an email or our chat! happy to help / answer more :) chris@sidekickai.com