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    Analyze text data faster and generate valuable insights with semantic AI

    Despite what you wrote on your resume, you aren’t actually highly skilled in Excel. (“I need to get all my columns in a row—wait, that’s not right.”)

    But in order to gain valuable insights from surveys, feedback forms, and reviews, you need to sort and analyze mountains of text data—but spreadsheets aren’t cutting it.

    If only there was an AI-powered tool that could help you get more from your text data, all without any coding.

    Get it done with SimpleX.


    too long didn't read
    Import, analyze, and search your text data quickly across 50 languages
    Skip complicated code with a user-friendly AI that creates tags, categorizes answers into topics, and generates reports



    SimpleX is an AI-powered smart console that helps you quickly analyze and sort text data, without coding.

    SimpleX uses semantic AI to search, filter, sort, and compare hundreds of text answers in an instant.

    Import text data from any spreadsheet in fast mode, or with the help of a user-friendly step-by-step assistant.

    It’s easy to connect to hundreds of apps using the Zapier and Google integrations, which let you access data from customer feedback and surveys.

    Best of all, this console can process text data in 50 languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and all European languages!

    SimpleX console

    Import text data from any source in multiple languages using an intuitive, AI-assisted tool.

    SimpleX lets you automatically tag your data with keywords, sentiment analysis, and originality scores.

    Add custom tags to improve search or filter capabilities and get the information you need fast and easy.

    You’ll be able to extract relevant insights effortlessly, whether you’re sorting employee feedback, identifying frequently used keywords, or finding duplicate quotes.

    Plus, you can import team posts from meetings and white-boarding tools to keep track of key findings and takeaways.

    Data tags

    Use semantic AI to segment your text data with custom tags, keywords, and sentiment scores.

    Unlike standard spreadsheet tools, SimpleX uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) so you can search through text data based on meaning.

    Just pick one answer and the platform will display the most similar survey answers, even if they’re written in different words or languages.

    You’ll also be able to sort responses into custom topics and get suggestions for more relevant answers and topics.

    And once the work starts piling up, SimpleX can even pick up the slack and group the remaining responses based on what you’ve done so far.

    Grouped text answers

    Find and sort responses based on meaning using Natural Language Processing (NLP).

    SimpleX also gives you everything you need to generate reports to share with your team and drive smarter decision-making.

    Visualize insights with dynamic charts, word clouds, and topic treemaps that can be created and added to your presentations on the fly.

    In just a few clicks, you’ll get standard lists of topics, keywords, and comprehensive tables with advanced statistics.

    Thanks to their cross survey search bar, you can access all your past data and dig up any quote from any survey faster than lightning.

    Dynamic charts

    Visualize and share key insights with dynamic charts, word clouds, and topic treemaps.

    When you’re not a tech wiz, manually analyzing text data can feel like you’re working for that weird company in Severance. (“I’m just deleting all the scary numbers.”)

    SimpleX is equipped with semantic AI that digs deeper into your text data, so you can make better decisions without any hassle.

    Get more from your data.

    Get lifetime access to SimpleX today!

    From the founders

    Expiring Soon!

    Hello, Stephane here, CEO from SimpleX team.

    The clock is ticking and the SimpleX Life Time Deals available on AppSumo expire in 6 days!

    SimpleX is a no-code AI-augmented console to handle text data better and faster.

    :earth_africa: It is universal and versatile, because users do not always deal with the same type of data or categories.

    :mechanical_arm: It is super-charged with cutting-edge semantic AI that does all the heavy lifting in terms of analysis.

    :cake: :brain: Its great UI lets you combine the best of both worlds: brute force of NLP algorithms to process thousand of quotes in multiple languages in less than a second ... and your brain to adjust and fine tune results.

    I wanted to share some perspective on where SimpleX is heading and a few take-aways we learned from our AppSumo ride.

    We have discovered ONE huge piece of information (and it was worth taking the whole ride!)

    SimpleX absolutely DELIGHTS its core target users.

    So the question is “How do I know I am in the core target?“, especially with all the NLP/AI hype and haze of products of all sorts.

    You are in the core target WHEN:

    . The text data you deal with is MESSAGES: sentences or short paragraphs like posts, reviews, feedback, free text answers, SEO keywords... not dialogue nor documents

    . You deal with pieces of SMALL/MEDIUM SIZE DATA, typically < 10k rows


    . You want FULL CONTROL rather than an Automated Black Box, in order to generate and share specific insights with your team/clients

    . A simple and friendly UI is key for you

    So basically, you are probably a Consultant/Practitioner in Market Research, Brand Marketing, Web & Social Marketing, HR, Customer eXperience, looking for a solution to accelerate massively text analysis, unleash the power of open questions in your surveys, workshops, customer feedback channels and generate and share unique insights from conversations that matter...

    And we have major new features coming as soon as January 2023

    • Webhook API and integrations

    • In-App Forms builder

    • Multiple questions processing (simplified import, deeper analysis)

    • Personas

    • More charts, more reports

    In the future, we will build a range of specific offers, customized and enhanced for the different use cases where SimpleX can make a difference

    • Surveys

    • Workshops

    • Reviews Analysis

    • Employee feedback

    • Social Listening

    • Transcript synthesis

    This AppSumo ride is most likely to remain a one-off event. Not that we did not love working with AppSumo team and serving Sumo-lings, but just because we reckon we are not serving a mainstream and fun market, but we also are now better aware of the value we provide to those who need our product.

    It will definitely be a great journey. Now is the time to buy your last cheap tickets:wink:

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