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Member since: Oct 2012Deals bought: 337
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5 stars
Posted: Nov 23, 2021

AI article writing alone is amazing, but add the graphics and SM posting and OMG...

Simplified article writing assistance is a major player to mitigate against my usual blank page syndrome. But I'm even more excited about the idea to take things I've created in articles and continue the process in making graphics and social media posts.

I have yet to find anything I don't like. I may in the future but given the things that I do like I think the benefits are going to outweigh the negative is in this case.

The main problem is that I am solving with simplified include being able to write articles to submit to my blog, to potential publications, and to my LinkedIn profile. What I really like though is being able to take that a step further and have cohesive social media and graphics that are directly related to the article without having to go into another application.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thanks Stacy.
