Q: I was looking at your website, and it is written that the majority choose the most expensive plan.

You should start to think that probably if the majority choose the highest plan probably you should offer an "Agency Plan" more expensive with more service, and here on AppSumo for the 3rd option you should offer at least the "Boss" option.

I have in mind to buy the third option, but by looking at the credits and how many other elements are lower than the highest plan I have doubt about how much it is a great deal. What do you have in plan for those who invest in the program here?

DTetesiPLUSNov 26, 2023
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: Hello DTetesi, we had a fractional credit system. Based on the feedback from Sumo-lings, we are changing it to whole numbers and increasing the number of credits. The updated credits will be visible in a few weeks.

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Posted: Jan 17, 2024

Does this mean that you will come back to appsumo? Right now it says that the deal will be available for 2 days. And you say that you will upload the credit system in a few weeks. Thanks

Posted: Jan 19, 2024

Hey, coming back to AppSumo depends on the business team's decision. As of now, there is no plan.