Q: videos

hey looks great but a question when you create a video does it link out to your site? or does the video embed into the message, if it goes out to an external site I can see that hitting engagement

thanks in advance and any roadmap¿

RichardButlerPLUSDec 8, 2024
Founder Team


Dec 9, 2024

A: Hi RichardButler. Yeah, good question. Short answer it does link out to the video like any video (besides the LinkedIn internal video feature on the LinkedIn mobile app).

However, there are a few key differences in using Skoop

1. Skoop is streamlined to do all the below in one "scoop" (pun entented)
2. We have the ability to have built in messages before he video (2 to 4 links of text for context).
3. We use an animated gif as the thumbnail. So it looks more authentic.
4. We have the ability to add a custom title. And #2, #3 and #4 together creates a sandwich of sorts that creatly increase conversion rates from our tests.
5. On the video page there is a standard call to action and the ability to add more details if you wish to add them on an individual bases.

A totally different subject: Today, we just added some additional video controls to blur out the background or use preformatted background images. That is new.

I hope this has answered your questions and I think you will like Skoop. :-)

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Posted: Dec 9, 2024

I might scoop this up then = at least try the plan 1 and take it from there