can I use my own custom domain?

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    Natasha_originalsFounder team
    | Member Since:

    Hello, pj222,

    Thank you for your question! :)

    Custom domains are not available in SleekBio yet.

    However, we do have users that set up custom redirects on their side that go to their SleekBio URL (e.g., goes to sleek. bio/bob). That works for many people. :)

    Our team is always on the lookout for new ideas and ways to improve the product, so we have added your idea for that option to our Idea Backlog documentation.
    We have added many requested features in the past and will continue doing so in the future.

    Please stay tuned for all future updates, which we will announce via email to all our users. :)

    We hope this helps, and should you have more suggestions or questions, let us know by emailing our Support team at

    We are looking forward to hearing from you.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Plus member
    Verified Purchaser
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    I also second this request to be able to set customized domains for our sleekbio page. It would look more professional that way.

    Verified Purchaser
    | Deals Bought: 8 | Member Since:

    Hi there,

    Upvoting this request.

    I love sleek bio! But am considering putting my use of it on hold until this feature is available. Using urls that aren't my own in my social profiles seems to be affecting things negatively, so going to switch back to a self-hosted links page while I wait.

    But will look into the pros and cons of using the suggested re-direct method above, and possibly stick with that until this feature becomes available.

    Please keep us posted! Great plugin!