Q: Would you ever consider enabling one account to create multiple products?
For example, if the same company wanted to get feedback on different things. Also, with Loopedin, which is also here on AppSumo right now, I can customize the names of the modules. I can change Roadmap to say Schedule, if I wanted to. Can I do that with SleekPlan?
May 15, 2024A: Hey helizabethp 👋
❓ Would you ever consider enabling one account to create multiple products? For example, if the same company wanted to get feedback on different things.
ℹ️ We may will add some kind of sub-workspaces to Sleekplan (we're discussing this ATM). However, they are more meant to handle different versions of one product (e.g. different languages or versions). There would be the same base structure/team/branding and also user-base. If you have completely separated product that would still need a separated workspace.
❓ Also, with Loopedin, which is also here on AppSumo right now, I can customize the names of the modules. I can change Roadmap to say Schedule, if I wanted to. Can I do that with SleekPlan?
ℹ️ Yes you can rename every module like Feedback -> Idea board, Changelog -> New Updates or Roadmap -> Schedule. It's up to you :) You can even change a whole bunch of content (e.g. "give feedback" button -> submit an idea).