Slice Knowledge

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Q: Hello Slice Knowledge Team, Congrats on your Appsumo launch.

I have a few questions.

1. Can I use my main everyday email address for the free trial on your website and use the same email address for my appsumo redemption? Or should I use a secondary email address for testing the free trial?

2. Are the slice coins on your website equivalent to AI credits on your Appsumo deal? If not, what are slice coins and why no mention on Appsumo deal?

3. Is there anywhere on your website with a list of all 200+ of your current integrations?

4. Finally, will you be available on the 3-Day Extended Deadline for Appsumo Plus customers?


mavenerPLUSDec 10, 2023
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: 1) Yes, we made the AppSumo deal available to both new and existing Slice customers. It should work fine, but if you have any problems just contact support.

2) Yes they are the same. We had an issue with the credits at launch on AppSumo, but the dev team issued extra credits. I believe they have fixed the recurring credits issue now.

3) We don't have a list of all of them. Basically our packages work with any SCORM-compliant LMS.

4) Our deal ends in 3 days for the AppSumo plus members.

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Posted: Jan 19, 2024

Hi Katchal
I was told by Golan that there are no monthly top-ups, only a one-off credit of 10k.
Questions from other users in this regard are apparently no longer answered by you. So here's the question again: Does the purchase include a one-off 10k or monthly 720 (Tier1), as still described on AppSumo?
If it is a one-time 10k, then I will initiate a refund, as the procedure on the part of Slice is not ok for me. Many thanks for your reply.