Q: Hi - as I will be using this within a LMS, is there a way to remove the Slice branding at the end of the ...
content as this is not really of use to my population of users?

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I have found a solution, at last! Unfortunately Slice have not been very forthcoming with the answer on this.
When you download the SCORM package, copy the index.html file, open as 'all file types' in notepad, search for
<img class="logoSliceWhite" src="./img/slice_logo_white.png" alt="logo" style=" z-index: 999999999;
position: absolute;
width: 90px;
left: 30px;
bottom: 25px;">
DETELE this, save the file, add back into the Zip file and hey presto, that pesky Slice logo will be removed from the results page.
This has been slowly driving me potty for months!