Q: There have been multiple questions regarding AI Credits (if they are renewed monthly, how they are measured, what the credits are for...)
that have not been answered. Why are these questions not being answered? Do we need to reach out to Appsumo?
May 14, 2024A: The lifetime deals come with 720 and 2000 credits respectively. These are single use. AppSumo users are also getting a bonus of 10,000 additional credits added to their accounts. For the average user, this should be enough for 1-2 years. Heavy users can add credits whenever they need them.
Sorry for the delay in responding to some of the credits questions. We were working on lowering the prices for the add-on credits last night and wanted to respond when they were available. The new prices are $10/1K, $25/5K, and $40/10K.
Fair enough. Just one follow up on the pricing : if suppose I buy 10K credits , do they expire after a certain time or I can use them till I exhaust them ?

Verified purchaser
Credits don't expire - they stay in your account until you need them.

Verified purchaser
You write "they are single use" but these will be monthly renewed I hope as the "coins" are going fast and under "my profile" I see 720/month.

Verified purchaser
Thank you for the response. I will remove from my cart. Most products are offering credits on a monthly basis.

Verified purchaser
We are sorting out the credits by manually issuing an additional 10,000 credits (the sum equals the entire first year's credits). This gives you immediate access while we resolve the underlying issue.

Verified purchaser
It will take a few day to get the extra credits. If you don't receive them within the next 3 days, please submit a support ticket at https://sliceknowledge.com/contact-us/support/

Verified purchaser
Hi there, is there any plans of making the credits renew every month then just add tiers to accommodate different users depending on our needs?
By the way, is there a timeframe when the bonus 10k credits will reflect? My 720 is about to finish. Thanks.