Smart vCard White-Label Agency License

Product details

Q: I dont see a roadmap.

What are some of the next features that we can expect?

Noname17720Jan 31, 2023
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Smart vCard is not a new product, it has been publicly available for over 1 year. I have received many feature requests, and have added as many of these that were feasible.

I have added since launch:
- Custom favicons
- Custom meta data
- Custom embed 3rd party scripts

Many Sumo-Lings have requested features that are great ideas, but don't make sense or are not feasible from on a programming point of view. The primary of these is the ability to saves for future editing.

Our browser-based software generates static HTML as was never designed to be accessible in a dashboard for future editing. There are plenty of other tools that do that. I strive to be different for those that want better looking digital cards that can be self-hosted.

The one feature I will begin exploring when the AppSumo launch is complete would be translation, if possible. You should not purchase this deal based upon a "maybe", only if it works for you right now.

If you have a feature idea or additional question, please visit my support desk for fastest response.


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