Snackeet - Web Stories

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Hi Snackeet Team, What the unique users / month exactly mean?

Hi Snackeet Team, What the unique users / month exactly mean? This is a counter for the onpage load for unique visitors/users or is it based on interactions with the embed? So if the Snackeet embed is not opened is not counting as a unique user? Can you please elaborate more how the unique user is counted? Thanks.
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    Kamil_SnackeetFounder team
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    Here are my answers :

    What the unique users / month exactly mean?

    When a user opens the story (link on widget), it creates a user.
    If the user comes back in the same month on the same device, he will be counted only once, no matter how many times he opens or interacts with the story.

    So if the Snackeet embed is not opened is not counting as a unique user?

