Snackeet - Web Stories

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5 stars
Member since: Apr 2018Deals bought: 330Posted: Jun 23, 2022

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"

Snackeet brings on the fun! I cannot remember when is the last time I had so much fun with a software meant for marketing. So I am basically having a blast doing work.
Don't miss this.

What I wish for (it is on their Roadmap):
1. Spin the wheel (to: win, redirect, send a webhook, etc)
2. Granulated Geolocation (State, City..)
3. Native integration with some of our Sumo-loved solutions; but the webhooks do the job.

You guys nailed a fun and useful solution.

Founder Team


Jun 24, 2022

Hey @Bo,

Thanks a lot for your kind works! 🙏 And we have other great features cooking up...
