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Hi! I'm posting a lot of videos on LinkedIn and make sure I always add the image I want to appear as...

Hi! I'm posting a lot of videos on LinkedIn and make sure I always add the image I want to appear as a thumbnail at the start of each video. However, the tool I'm currently using gets a completely different image instead... Do the videos posted through your tool get the first image as their thumbnail? And will you one day add the custom thumbnail feature as with YouTube for other social media platforms? Thanks!

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    Craig_SociamonialsFounder team
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    Hi Fanny!

    Our system works great with custom thumbnails and it should work well for your LinkedIn use-case too. When you upload a video we autogenerate several thumbnails from various points in the video. We ALWAYS grab the initial screenshot too (timestamp = 0), as that's what platforms like TikTok use for a thumbnail. If you don't like any of our suggested custom thumbnails you can upload your own. Please take a free trial and make sure it works as expected. Then come back and buy with confidence. Thanks!

    Verified Purchaser
    | Deals Bought: 4 | Member Since:

    That's exactly what I needed, thanks! I'll go check it out.