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Q: How Many Posts a Day for 1 Code and 2 Codes for EACH Profile It's VERY confusing.

You can have 30 Profiles with 1 Code. In one place it says 1000 posts a day and 100 Tweets. Is it 100 Tweets for EACH Twitter Profile?

When You CLICK THROUGH to the green list, it says UN-limited posts. Which is it?

I have multiple Twitter accounts. One is inspirational and I post 48 posts a day. I could NEVER get away with that IF it was not the kind of account it is! ;) The other accounts...

b4882f02e1bd4d52b4eb89cc677390d6Jun 18, 2024
Founder Team


Jun 18, 2024

A: Hi Roz!

Thanks for letting us know about the old click-through green list. That is out of date. Due to new API restrictions by X/Twitter, we only allow 100 tweets per day for your entire account. For example, if you have one X account posting 48 a day and another posting 55 a day, you would be over the limit.

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So instead of using two codes on one account, can you have two accounts under two different email addresses if one chose that route? While I don't post 200 a day, I do have a Photoshop Profile and I may choose to build it up again.

Posted Jun 18, 2024

Yes, you can do that too. The best way to do this is to switch on the 'Agency Dashboard'. If you add both accounts to one dashboard they can share limits but will remain totally separate even with different emails if you wish.

Hi Craig:

This makes sense.

Do I have to buy the Agency to get the Agency Dashboad? Not sure I understand.
OR, do I just buy two separate codes with different email addresses and have the Agency Dashboard included? Thanks in advance! ~Roz