Q: Is this a good app to use for AI assistance with a private commonplace book?
I'd guess demand for this kind of use case will rise.
I've been gathering reading, articles, and quotes in a particular domain of knowledge. I'd like a system that will a) apply AI against it to help me draw out insights. b) keep my collection of reference material, my queries, and the results private - not make them part of a larger collection of learning for an AI system.
A: Hello, I certainly believe so! Both Cloud and Local chats are completely private and will not train AIs. Local Chats have an additional guarantee in that there is no server interaction at all, if you wish. It simply requires a more powerful computer. You can find more information here: https://asksocrates.app/ai-privacy
My use case idea: I think it could be very helpful to use along with PDFs that are given out as learning materials to help the learners better explore what is being taught in each lesson.
Is there a way to pay for more than 5 shared chats lifetime?
I operate in deeply technical niches, where there could easily be 50-100 technical pdf documents from around the world, each of several hundred pages. None of the tools can cope with this so far? Can you help or generate a roadmap to help. Probably 50 similarly scaled topics in one niche and a couple of dozen niches…
I want to build content for live client training workshops, online courses, consulting artefacts and audit and quality assurance checklists.
Can you get your tool up to the toughest use cases?
A: Hello, please give us a try. Try uploading 50 with Deep Dive enabled to see how it performs. Many have reported great success with large documents and extracting insights from it. Even more powerful tools to configure documents & LLMs will be coming next quarter!
Q: Is this a good app to use for AI assistance with a private commonplace book?
I'd guess demand for this kind of use case will rise.
I've been gathering reading, articles, and quotes in a particular domain of knowledge. I'd like a system that will
a) apply AI against it to help me draw out insights.
b) keep my collection of reference material, my queries, and the results private - not make them part of a larger collection of learning for an AI system.
Will Socrates fill that need?
Dec 20, 2024A: Hello, I certainly believe so! Both Cloud and Local chats are completely private and will not train AIs. Local Chats have an additional guarantee in that there is no server interaction at all, if you wish. It simply requires a more powerful computer. You can find more information here: https://asksocrates.app/ai-privacy
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Q: Is there an option for more shared chats?
Hi. I am very interested in trying out Socrates.
My use case idea:
I think it could be very helpful to use along with PDFs that are given out as learning materials to help the learners better explore what is being taught in each lesson.
Is there a way to pay for more than 5 shared chats lifetime?
I would need more than 5 shared chats.
Dec 20, 2024A: Hello, yes there is, but not through AppSumo, unfortunately. We have an unlimited plan.
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Hey Jon.👋 Is your unlimited plan available for LTD through your website? I am not sure where to find it.
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Hello, no Unlimited Plan is not available for LTD. Requires a monthly subscription unfortunately.
You see I don't need Unlimited shared chats.🤔
I was just hoping that there were more possible lifetime options.
If you had a LTD plan options that increased the number of shared chats beyond 5 this would be something I would consider.
Maybe a few more balanced tiers with 15, 25, and 35 chat share options.
Q: How many devices does each license support?
Once a license is purchased, can the app be installed on multiple devices or is it necessary to purchase a new license for each device?
Dec 19, 2024A: Hello, it's not limited by device, but by email login.
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Q: Can different documents and queries be linked?
I operate in deeply technical niches, where there could easily be 50-100 technical pdf documents from around the world, each of several hundred pages.
None of the tools can cope with this so far?
Can you help or generate a roadmap to help.
Probably 50 similarly scaled topics in one niche and a couple of dozen niches…
I want to build content for live client training workshops, online courses, consulting artefacts and audit and quality assurance checklists.
Can you get your tool up to the toughest use cases?
Edited Dec 19, 2024A: Hello, please give us a try. Try uploading 50 with Deep Dive enabled to see how it performs. Many have reported great success with large documents and extracting insights from it. Even more powerful tools to configure documents & LLMs will be coming next quarter!
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Thank you!
Q: mark down export? integration with apps like obsidian for improved search and linking?
Dec 17, 2024A: Hello, we do support markdown exports, but no integration yet with obsidian.
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