Q: Is this a good app to use for AI assistance with a private commonplace book?

I'd guess demand for this kind of use case will rise.

I've been gathering reading, articles, and quotes in a particular domain of knowledge. I'd like a system that will
a) apply AI against it to help me draw out insights.
b) keep my collection of reference material, my queries, and the results private - not make them part of a larger collection of learning for an AI system.

Will Socrates fill that need?

TimAtSwayDec 20, 2024
Founder Team


Dec 20, 2024

A: Hello, I certainly believe so! Both Cloud and Local chats are completely private and will not train AIs. Local Chats have an additional guarantee in that there is no server interaction at all, if you wish. It simply requires a more powerful computer. You can find more information here: https://asksocrates.app/ai-privacy

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