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Member since: Nov 2019Deals bought: 51
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jul 24, 2020

Love the app. Mixed feeling about the support.

I love the Squid Hub application. It has completely changed how I run my projects. It's so simple to use and yet so effective in managing the tasks. Adding, updating, and running with the tasks is a breeze. Simplicity is the key here. Basically add the task, add date, select teammate, and select if it's a repeatable daily/weekly/monthly or not repeatable task. Now go to the calendar and start working on each task one by one. You are on track, teammates are on track. Files are there, links are there, messages are there. even video chat is right there. Everything is well organized and running smoothly. If some task falls behind, you can easily catch up to it and finish it as a priority.

Even though I love the app, I haven't been able to reach out to support. Not sure what's going on that front. Hope so all well. Would love the shout out from the SquidHub team.
