
Product details

Q: Hi StealthGPT Team Just have a quick question about your massive novel of a "privacy policy" - is there some ...

hidden gem of a section within this novel that you guys are going to keep my information like Skynet for some sort of secret bazooka party, it's that long!

Anyways can we get a TL:DR version thats not written in an old language from some budget bookstore, and a version that is more like a tweet to be honest, I just wanna make sure I'm not invited to a surprise harvesting of data party.


8881Feb 24, 2024
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: I do not answer legal matters. I really leave that up to our lawyers. If you are uncomfortable with our terms I would just pass on the product. Up to you. Have we ever sold user data? To that I can say no. Are we actively looking to do so? To that I also say no.

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