Best Stealth AI Tool Out There
I have used multiple stealth ai tools out there and none of them could beat StealthGPT. I ran multiple tests to see if my essay doesn't get caught by GPTZero, Originality, and especially TurnItIn.
I made a prompt from ChatGPT and put in StealthGPT's bypass tool and then ran it through GPTZero, Originality, and TurnItIn to see if it's legit.
I also made sure to use their mode and tone options from low-high and casual to academic to see if the AI detectors could pick up any signs of AI written content.
Here's what I got:
Low Mode - GPTZero 5%, Originality 4%, and TurnItIn 0%
Medium Mode - GPTZero 2%, Originality 2%, and TurnItIn 0%
High Mode - GPTZero 0%, Originality 0%, and TurnItIn 0%
StealthGPT works and I'm impressed at how it is able to bypass even TurnItIn. It's important to note that even though it is able to bypass all those AI detectors you should still read the prompts carefully to make sure it is coherent and makes sense. Other than that, I'm happy with the results.
May 9, 2024Hey thanks for doing some stress testing on our models. They truly are the most undetectable on the market!