Stockimg AI

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Member since: Mar 2019Deals bought: 266
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Mar 13, 2023

Very well organized and well trained AI image model.

This is a really nice tool for creating AI images. Presently, I've been using DALL-E, Airbrush, and a few others, but it's been the bane of my AI-image-existence getting output that properly formats as horizontal. I love that this feature is a default option within Stockimg AI.
I also very much like the different model selection being visual, whereas in other tools its often just a text selection and I have to try to remember the style of artwork produced by each model or engine. Anything to make the process simpler is a plus (or taco) in my book!
I think having the tool pre-trained for certain common output types (illustration, stock image, UI, illustration) is great! I hope that this tool continues to add more common types as customers can think of them and request them.
All-in-all, this is a nice AI image tool to have if you're like me and building a small collection of visual AI tools.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thank you very much for your supportive comments. We will continue to add new models in line with the requests of our users.

Get ready to fly!
