
Product details

Q: SG seems like a well structured product, albeit in its infancy in some regards.

We will become customers :)
But I do think some things are missing or can't find them, like:
(1) webhooks in order to send data once a student registers,
(2) ability to customize some my case I would prefer CLASSES instead of SERVICES when students book classes..
(3) hoping for a faster implementation of filtering by locations,
(4) CSS capabilities in order for us to adapt the look.

Are these on your near future plans?

I saw your comments that CNAME and ability to embed SG are coming, as well as video - that's a very useful thing.

Thank you also for your replies via support directly; it helped make a decision to purchase. Please publish a url where we can send feedback/feature requests, and hopefully we get a FB community group going also..

Bo90357Sep 23, 2022
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