Q: There are really massive amount of bugs and UX issues.
For example,
1. In Acquisition -> Channel - what's the START/END date format?
Whatever format we use. It does not change anything. It always starts from the current month same as it's empty according to your notification: "When this should start. Leave empty or 1 and it will start immediately."
2. Generated Leads per salesperson are only available per month. In many industries, you might want to generate 1+ leads per quarter as deals are massive and time-consuming...
3. In the video here: https://youtu.be/z7xfI22Q9y4?t=52 you show a graph on the right side, but in our case, this area is always EMPTY. Even though parameters were set correctly on the left side in the chosen Acquisition Channel.
I can go on & on but you get the point.
It needs testing before selling.
May 14, 2024A: Hello! Thanks for your comments. Would like the opportunity to address your feedback.
1) Acquisition start and end dates works fine on my side? Just tested with my account and had a user test on their account as well.
2) Would love if you could add this as a new feature request here: https://roadmap.sturppy.com/ideas
3) This works fine as well, just tested across my account and a customer account. My guess is that you're not linking an acquisition stream to your rev stream or that acquisition stream that is linked is blank.
Would be happy to show you around and address your feedback over a quick call or email. John.ladaga@sturppy.com. Thanks!