Generate stock photos, art, and images with the latest in AI technology

SUPERMACHINE uses the latest in cutting-edge AI technology to give you the power to create your own stock images, art, NFTs, YouTube thumbnails, blog images, or whatever your imagination can handle!

The AI revolution is taking over the world and you can be a part of that by using AI technology to update your image content game across all of your social media and online presence.

SUPERMACHINE is a super fast solution providing images in under 15 seconds and a variety of different aspect ratios.


too long didn't read
Generate stock photos, art, and images with AI
Using the latest in AI technology, you can write a few phrases or sentences of the type of image you would like to see



It is so easy to create images with just a few words.

Providing a super clean dashboard for you to generate images both on mobile or desktop in seconds.

Turn a description into a fully detailed image ready for your content marketing needs and truly unique.

These images will not have appeared anywhere else and you have full commercial rights to use them for anything you need!

Try out our SuperClone Technology.

SUPERMACHINE makes it easy for you to create any style of image with over 40 custom models.

Simply tell the AI what you want to see and hit that magic generate button!

You can even edit your generation with a canvas to really hone in on the perfect image for your needs.

Curated collection of the best models.

Using SUPERMACHINE is really simple. We love to see all the ways that our users are benefitting from this wonderful new technology and incorporating their generations into their businesses and content efforts.

Simple for beginners and advanced settings for greater control.

With SUPERMACHINE, we have a real focus on simplicity. It is easy to use right away and if you do want more controls and settings, the advanced settings give you that control. We're adding new models weekly and always keeping up with the latest technology.

Get access today!

Deal terms and conditions: Lifetime access to SUPERMACHINE. All future Apprentice Plan updates. If Plan name changes, deal will be mapped to the new Plan name with all accompanying updates. You must redeem your code(s) within 60 days of purchase. Stack up to 5 codes. Previous AppSumo customers will be grandfathered into the new feature limits. Previous AppSumo customers who purchased SUPERMACHINE can buy more codes to increase their feature limits. This deal is non-refundable.

From the founders

AI Image Generation Made Simple

Hey Sumo-lings!

We've been working super hard on adding some extra cool features to Supermachine lately to make it even better for your AI Art needs. You can check out this extensive video demo of all the features if you want to nerd out -!

Some of the new stuff that I love to use are the ControlNet features. OpenPose is great for when you want to make a character appear with certain posture and SuperClone uses secret sauce to make consistent characters possible off just a single image.

There are still a lot of fun developments going on behind the scenes to make Supermachine even better and the team is actively curating and adding more models, more LORAs and more ways for you to produce awesome AI art so stay tuned for our next updates!


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