Swarmify SmartVideo

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Q: Hi Philip, I stacked 5 codes in the hope of getting rid of my expensive and slow Vimeo account.

Here are 3 points, why this is not the case. I don't want to leave a bad review because I think the core technology (streaming) is good. So I formulate my points as questions:

1. Like many others here, I also want an "Upload" button in the dashboard. Hosting means for me that I have the control of my files (add/manage/delete) within the hosting app. Having to upload it to a 3rd party app first (like Dropbox, Google Drive, YouTube or Vimeo) doesn't make my life easier, on the contrary: It complicates my life by having to deal with different platforms with many unnecessary clicks.
Q1: Is a direct upload function something you consider?

2. Delete videos: Sometimes it is important to delete a video due to legal reasons or because it's outdated and I don't want it circulating on the internet any more. The search for "delete video" in the help center didn't bring up a relevant article.
Q2: How do I delete uploaded videos from the Swarmify CDN?

3. To be a real substitue for YouTube or Vimeo, direct Links are important. Embedding a video in my website or WordPress is only one of many usecases I use Vimeo for. Another one is to use direct video links in the format like https://vimeo.com/366987382 (or similar with YouTube) and send it via email, messenger or similiar. It should be played directly in the player in the hosting platform without having to embed it in any website first.
Q3: Is a URL like https://smart.video/123456789 possible or planned or is embedding videos in a website the only usecase I can use Swarmify for?


BertholdMay 5, 2020
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Posted: May 9, 2020

As there was no answer here I now refunded 4 of my 5 codes due to the limited functionality, espescially not having a direct upload (Q1) and the lack of a standalone player (see Q3 above). This makes it more a video replication and streaming service but not a video hosting platform like Vimeo.