Q: Swipe Pages LTD
Hey Swami,
first of all: congrats to this great product launch! <3
(As a Swipe One Tier 5 fullstack buyer:) How good are the chances, that we will have the chance to buy a Swipe Pages LTD (directly from you - or via AppSumo) after the Swipe One campaign has ended?
It would be very helpful to have the ability to use both tools together, to unleash the full potential and power - so I hope, you guys can offer a private LTD for loyal buyers, as I and a lot of new Swipe One LTD supporters where not in the LTD game, when you guys hit the market with your great first product. So we hope you can do some magic for us, to join the rocket with you and your team! :)
Thanks in advance and much love from Germany! <3
(fingers crossed heavily)

Verified purchaser
+1 I would be super keen as well, I somehow managed to miss the SwipePages launch and would love to have these LTD's working together!

Verified purchaser