Q: Hello, Your website contact & chat are inoperate actually.
I'm using Brave & TabExtend as a AppSumo user, there is a bug everytime I reload my browser Tabextend is desactivated, why ? Tabextend Is a major helpful hub tools for working with all my SAAS, it's critical for organization in my work, I can work without him !
A: Hi Christian, Sorry for the slow response. We released version 3.0 of tabExtend 2 weeks ago and have already released 7 patches, so we are very active. The whole platform has been rewritten from the ground up, hence the slightly longer wait for new releases than usualโin this case, 2 months. All the funding went into this version and we continue to work full-time on tabExtend and are now back...
Q: Hello, Your website contact & chat are inoperate actually.
I'm using Brave & TabExtend as a AppSumo user, there is a bug everytime I reload my browser Tabextend is desactivated, why ?
Tabextend Is a major helpful hub tools for working with all my SAAS, it's critical for organization in my work, I can work without him !
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Q: There have been no developments since your campaign.
Is this still an active product? There was concern on here that this campaign was to create funding for your newer app.
May 15, 2024A: Hi Christian,
Sorry for the slow response. We released version 3.0 of tabExtend 2 weeks ago and have already released 7 patches, so we are very active. The whole platform has been rewritten from the ground up, hence the slightly longer wait for new releases than usualโin this case, 2 months. All the funding went into this version and we continue to work full-time on tabExtend and are now back...
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Q: hi how useless, it does not have a search function even after all this time or have I missed it ?
May 15, 2024A: Search was before inside the workspace-picker, in the new version it has its own icon in the top-right corner. Hope that helps :), cheers!
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Q: is this coming back?
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I missed this deal too...hope they come back.
Q: Is Yandex Browser not supported?
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