The number of users allowed on an account will be updated with the next platform release, which will happen in the next few days.
"Users" will have their own login to your account and you can control their level of access. For example, you could allow them to see only a single app in the account and have limited editing capabilitites. You do this through the role-based access control feature. The easiest way to do this it to set up a role that allows access based on a "tag match". You then tag the user and the apps and actions you want the to see when they log in. They will see everything that has a tag matching their tag.
Q: It looks like Apple is finally preparing to support push notifications for progressive web apps (PWAs)!!
The beta version of iOS 15.4 added a “Push API” toggle.
This is exciting news!. Tapps has long supported push notifications in anticipation of this and we uniquely allow any action in an app to be shown conditioned on whether the user opts into notifications or not. This feature allows app owners to incentivise acceptance of notifications by making it a gateway to premium content and functionality.
Q: Hi Richard,
First, why Tapps is not "selected" by Appsumo?
It's not on first page :-( It doesn't even appear in search for "App builder, Apps builder" !
My questions: - for 50 clients, I build 50 apps but with only 25 admin users it means only 25 clients can access their app for modifying by themselves? Or only 25 clients are possible? Why not 50 admin users?
- 50 apps are hosted by you, can we export these Apps to released a slot? Or if you close your company then we lose the apps?
- Where is your Affiliate program? How do you market Tapps? (Thinking about your growth)
- Where are your servers? (Loading speed for Asia Australia end users)
I just double checked with AppSumo and they say we are a Select deal, so I am not sure what is going on there. I am checking further and will also check on the search issue.
Multiple apps per customer is very common, but I get your point about the users. I will let AppSumo know that we will update the deal to allow the users on an account to match the number of apps allowed.
No, I do not see how you could export apps from our platform.
I get your point about an affiliate program, but have not figured out the right way to do it. Our platform really shines when a customer wants to deploy dozens, hundreds, or thousands of apps that share content, and we can work with a dealer on these kind of deals.
As for our server locations, we are hosted on AWS, and we have not had issues with overseas clients.
Q: oh no...
missed this deal.
Any plans of coming back soon?
Have a great spring!
Best regards
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Q: Hi Richard, You replied "but I get your point about the users.
I will let AppSumo know that we will update the deal to allow the users on an account to match the number of apps allowed."
But it is not updated on Appsumo, the #users <> #apps
Users are subaccounts/clients with their own access to Tapps, right?
May 14, 2024A: Hey Michael,
The number of users allowed on an account will be updated with the next platform release, which will happen in the next few days.
"Users" will have their own login to your account and you can control their level of access. For example, you could allow them to see only a single app in the account and have limited editing capabilitites. You do this through the role-based access control feature. The easiest way to do this it to set up a role that allows access based on a "tag match". You then tag the user and the apps and actions you want the to see when they log in. They will see everything that has a tag matching their tag.
Hope this helps.
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Q: support mail
May 14, 2024A: Hi there,
Our support email is:
We also use Zendesk for tracked trouble tickets here:
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Q: It looks like Apple is finally preparing to support push notifications for progressive web apps (PWAs)!!
The beta version of iOS 15.4 added a “Push API” toggle.
This is exciting news!. Tapps has long supported push notifications in anticipation of this and we uniquely allow any action in an app to be shown conditioned on whether the user opts into notifications or not. This feature allows app owners to incentivise acceptance of notifications by making it a gateway to premium content and functionality.
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Q: Hi Richard, First, why Tapps is not "selected" by Appsumo?
It's not on first page :-(
It doesn't even appear in search for "App builder, Apps builder" !
My questions:
- for 50 clients, I build 50 apps but with only 25 admin users it means only 25 clients can access their app for modifying by themselves? Or only 25 clients are possible? Why not 50 admin users?
- 50 apps are hosted by you, can we export these Apps to released a slot? Or if you close your company then we lose the apps?
- Where is your Affiliate program? How do you market Tapps? (Thinking about your growth)
- Where are your servers? (Loading speed for Asia Australia end users)
May 14, 2024A: Hi macrogian88,
Thanks for the feedback!
I just double checked with AppSumo and they say we are a Select deal, so I am not sure what is going on there. I am checking further and will also check on the search issue.
Multiple apps per customer is very common, but I get your point about the users. I will let AppSumo know that we will update the deal to allow the users on an account to match the number of apps allowed.
No, I do not see how you could export apps from our platform.
I get your point about an affiliate program, but have not figured out the right way to do it. Our platform really shines when a customer wants to deploy dozens, hundreds, or thousands of apps that share content, and we can work with a dealer on these kind of deals.
As for our server locations, we are hosted on AWS, and we have not had issues with overseas clients.
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