I See the light at the end of the tunnel 🚀
YES UI needs some WORK, the good news is: not that much is needed, the foundation is solid!
Right now everything stands out (outdated style) instead of blending in like a good design should.
Here are some suggestions:
- ALL frames -gone ☑️ Richard promised ( ON or OFF)
- Slider ( with finger left and right) ☑️ Richard will take care of it 😉
- Get Connected -Social - ability to change colors (background and icons) so everything blends in not again boxed in 🥴
- Eliminate clicks, KEEP (action) on original screen (often app asks questions like (on Android) with iPhone, l "Do you want to allow this" after you click Done it takes you to same screen 🤬 ( white with gray pill button🙀. There's no way to exit this screen QUICK, no X, you've to find the arrow to go back (a verrrrry painful experience) -white with gray pill button🙀 must go!
- Can't resize FONT and ICONs- they sometimes look very small- maybe 1-2 size options?
- Profile picture bigger or maybe 1-2 size options? Popup ?
- HEADER IMAGE - Eliminate (hard line) /fade in function ( ON - OFF)
- add FOOTER IMAGE Eliminate (hard line) /fade in function ( ON OFF)
- QR real estate very unused page, and ugly, why? can be used for SHARE ( nearby, copy link. etc)
I'm sure there is more :) BUT I like the backend, this app has a LOT of potential as long as company continues to develop the product 🚀
May 9, 2024Hey JJJJ, Thanks for the great review and the helpful feedback!!