Q: Is the 'survey' and 'form' feature available with 'multi-step' with 'conditional' function as well?

In other words can we build out 'multiple step and conditional' 'surveys' and 'forms'?

So say the first step is:

Do you have a website? (Yes/No radio buttons)

If, 'Yes' than user goes to a specific 'next step' of the form' etc..

Is this doable?

I'm asking as I do a lot of lead gen.. Ok thanks and great deal! I like the annual plan!

ecclesiaPLUSMar 10, 2025
Founder Team


Mar 10, 2025

A: That's for asking. We do not currently support multi-step conditional surveys right now. We have a lot of question types to choose from and can give answers directly to a contact's profile, but Tarvent is currently limited to single-page surveys with no decision-tree logic that would satisfy your question.

It will all come in time though. That said, I still hope to see on join the Tarvent community soon!

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