Q: A few questions on Users, Subaccounts, Domains

1) How does Users feature work? Is it clients or domains? How is Users defined?

2) Can we create subaccounts with multiple domains/clients and assign number of contacts, permissions etc?

3) Is there a feature with visual workflows to create automations with triggers and actions?

4) Is there a tracking code for tracking actions on websites to trigger automations?


Anil_AgrawalPLUSSep 16, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 16, 2024

A: Here are some answers for you:

1. We do not currently support subaccounts but do support multiple domains and isolated audiences that allow you to manage multiple clients in a single account. We also have permission at the audience level so people can only see things attached to their audience.

2. Yes, we have a visual workflow editor. You can see this on our website or in the AppSumo video.

3. Yes, we support site tracking with automation triggers and segmentation based on website activity.

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Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 16, 2024

Ok cool. Thanks, Jason. I will give Tarvent a shot ;-)

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Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 17, 2024

More questions:

1) So the total number of contacts are counted across the audiences/domains and we cannot allocate a number of contacts to domains?

2) The tracking code is unique to each domain in the account?

3) Are the email addresses validated automatically as the contacts are added either via bulk upload or via optins?

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