Q: Continuing the Transactional Email question below

Jason, you mentioned that you missed the mark with your offerings in the Appsumo plans, so..
#1 Why not correct them to eventually drive more sales? You can, as many have here in Appsumo, correct your offer and move along with this as even you view that as a 'mistake' since you even mentioned that 'we missed the mark'. (There's even an article about it https://help.appsumo.com/article/681-updating-your-offer-after-launch)
#2 I heard you mentioned that there will be some one-time offerings that you're planning. Are these LTDs as well or subscriptions?

leosims1992Sep 15, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 16, 2024

A: Good questions. Here are some answers:

1. We missed the mark on some things but not others. We have learned a few things for the next AppSumo deal if there is one. This doesn't mean we did this deal wrong. As with most things, the first time is always a learning experience. That said, I know we can potentially change our AppSumo deal, but there are other ways to handle deal adjustments that are even better than expected, which leads me to your second question.

2. We will offer additional LTDs and other offers within Tarvent for existing AppSumo customers to increase their limits, some even at no cost. These new offerings will happen in the next week or so. We have a few things planned, but I'm purposely leaving out the details until we are ready. We will announce via email and AppSumo question responses.

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Posted: Sep 16, 2024

will these only be available to current buyers or to everyone who buys the deal?

Posted: Sep 16, 2024

If you intend to improve the offer by adding more for free.
It is good to improve it through the support at Appsumo.
I think it should be possible to fix it to improve the existing offer.

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Posted: Sep 17, 2024

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