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Member since: Feb 2020Deals bought: 1399
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5 stars
Posted: Aug 28, 2024

6 Tacos For Tarvent I mean (Targeted-Events)

Okay not really sure where to start. I can share that I started with a Tier 3 and once I got into the tool I went screaming with my hair on fire for them to take my money for Tier 5. Yikes! I know but after you get into the tool and dance around with it you will see why I did that. Okay this tool is so deep I am not sure where to start. Okay, if VBOUT had a little faster brother then his name would be TARVENT. If you missed VBOUT then Boom! Here you go. Why do I say that. VBOUT have the best tech support in the business and they had a very unique tool for it's time. Fast forward a couple years and they have a baby brother with that same level of tech support with a few little nice hidden easter eggs like auto save and auto browser recovery if your entire system goes down without saving. Yeah, you got something here.

Okay User interface is very clean and slick (choice of anytime dark mode is icing on the cake) They also have these little help tabs or breadcrumbs are everywhere you can never get lost in this thing. The dashboard that tells you everything that is going on is something to behold. I am not going to lie this company is the best for running multiple brands and I showed a quick walk through here of why this is a no brainer for this set up

There is no other system that I have seen or heard of that segments their clients like Tarvent its like they have studied them all and said All man if they would have only did this instead of that. Well, they did it. You have Audiences, and not lists. Already you know what you can do with that. They have tags, yes even tags. They even have groups, yep you can run a campaign and drop cold emails into one and medium into another and blistering hot into another all with the click of a button. You can even have customer Journeys that make some serious choices for you all automatically.

I could do an entire review on their customer journeys alone. I think what makes putting their customer journeys together so fun is you can edit them on the fly and never lever the customer journey area. Most other tools make you go all the way back out and start over again. Never ever have I seen a tool that does that.

With unlimited emailing domains, unlimited audiences, unlimited groups and unlimited tags without a price hike is insane. No serious prospect should go without being touched or missed in this system. Auto bounce rate settings (Basically the system says "we will just stop sending to this person and move segment them and free up a contact slot for this joker that never opens your email after the preset limit you determine.) Fancy stuff.

+++++Customer Journey
+Built in Surveys (No Need to use a separate program needed)
+Built In Forms
+More Easter eggs than the easter bunny
+++++++++++ Customer Services
+Mature Company

-Landing pages could use a little work
-Need more templates everywhere

If you are paying for any other email marketing platform you need to STOP IT and get TARVENT! Tier 5 today

Founder Team


Aug 29, 2024

Thank you for such a great review! 💖 If you could only see the little happy dance 🕺 we did when we read it. We've worked hard to deliver a platform that works for marketers of every skill level, which is tough to do. Still, we're getting there! We're listening 👂 to feedback, making changes, and leveraging the feature requests from our customers to make Tarvent even better.

Here's a little Easter Egg for you. When you send test emails for a campaign, we remember your settings from the previous test to make testing even faster. It's a minor feature until you use it, then you see how time-saving it is. Test often, and avoid apology emails because of a bad link or incorrect content.

Lastly, we take the CONS in stride and will work to eliminate the CONS altogether.
