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Member since: Jun 2024Deals bought: 48
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 3, 2024

Outstanding product with a bright future ahead! Just a humble suggestion.

I really think this is a wonderful product. I just want to know if there could be a change in the pricing plan, which currently isn't very strategic.

I suggest adjusting the number of contacts per tier. For example, make 3,000 contacts a tier 1, 10,000 contacts a tier 2, and 30,000 contacts a tier 3. This adjustment will greatly increase sales adopters and attract more customers compared to other available options on AppSumo right now.

It will be much more attractive just considering this possibility. Just want to share my honest opinion!

Founder Team


Sep 3, 2024

Thanks a ton for the review! 🎉 The feedback is very helpful and appreciated.

While we can't change the AppSumo tiers for an active deal, we will definitely consider this for possible future deals.

In the meantime, here's an Easter egg in Tarvent that few people know. You will see an engagement score after you send a campaign and view the report. This score is unique to Tarvent and is based on industry standards regarding campaign performance. If you're new to email marketing, this number summarizes all the other numbers for you. As you become a seasoned pro, dive into all the other numbers to learn how a campaign performed based on your specific goals. The engagement score can also be used to pick a winning combination in a multivariate campaign and optimize emails in Journeys.
